Thursday, January 23, 2014

Probabilities and how they are determined.

To be honest I was totally lost when we started this section. I thought I knew everything that was needed to be known about Probabilities that I needed to know. But reading about it and knowing it are 2 different things. I am a visual learner so I need to have pictures and actually things in front of me to learn. So while reading about all the terms Experimental prob, theoretical, equally likely, uniform sample space, I was totally zoned out. trying to figure out what our teacher was talking about.  But then we started some activities such as Probability of using cards. Such as this Video explains.
I started to get it a little better. But I still was struggling a little until we did an activity the colored goldfish crackers. I had the crackers in front of me and I could physically see the difference. Then it clicked and I knew i got it!  I found a great web site that gives you vocab and an example of what they mean by that definition. Also some Practice questions from Math Goodies

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing a video from Khan Academy. I watched him give a presentation about his website on a Ted Talks video one day last summer via Netflix. I was totally fascinated by his thoughts and ideas about teaching mathematics. I am sure that I will be referring to this video as I study for our upcoming exam on Probability : )
